. . . . . "fine-grained representation of review comment" . . "A class that contains the representation of review comments, fine-grained pieces of reviews that can be represented in a structured manner using the Linkflows model" . . . "knowledge representation - set of tools used to represent and organize human knowledge in order to use or share it" . "peer review - evaluation of work by one or more people of similar competence to the producers of the work" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDE0VDkTZXdIN+xq593BQ7BQyas9LGa07QZxiEbWf44WsBMV8guU8YrMh6BxdQJ2NW88ILEFlxpLbkPyE0dIrfCgoLZ/OW3WhL4KgIec1cSOvHY5I4dYq4kuoQ/BTa4SNh6IwO+sK5DTXzmOXlRcFiLqmAjHM4QTUr7FWXEqB7oKQIDAQAB" . "Sn11id4Br5TEy6PPUZb4N85FDTPlaPJCmb+bgl4cYX8xyEDl0xZkeneh9bAx0w1pEuREwavbC8VvL3I0QNVJfU+X86ITi3aPjypigB19SX3j3GydekRJ4cao532dsa3582h3Say29mQ/JtkcSbzmdt9i5cUDt6fp1phw96b8xXU=" . . "2024-01-25T17:18:52.734Z"^^ . . . . "Class: fine-grained representation of review comment" . . . . .